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Ernest Dukuzumuremyi

Design, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Advisor

Rwanda & Great Lakes

Ernest Dukuzumuremyi is the Programme Manager of Interpeace’s Rwanda Programme. Prior to joining Interpeace, he served as a Researcher and the Great Lakes Peacebuilding Programme Manager at Never Again Rwanda where he contributed to the Participatory Action Research (PAR) processes and contributed to the establishment and facilitation of cross-border dialogue spaces for peace in Rwanda, Burundi and the DRC. He also contributed to different researches, policy monitoring and programmes evaluation in Rwanda and at the regional level, either as staff or independent Consultant for Government institutions, Non-Government Organisations and UN agencies, specifically UN Women –East & Central Africa Regional Office and the UN Trust Fund.

Ernest Dukuzumuremyi is a holder of a bachelor’s degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Rwanda; he graduated from Mount Kenya University in public health (MPH) with specialization in Epidemiology and he is also doing a Master Programme (M.A) in Peace Studies & Conflict Transformation at the University of Rwanda, through its Center for Conflicts Management (CCM).